Business Value of BIM and ISO 19650 - Building Resilience through BIM | Rahul Shah, BSI
Sesja prowadzona w języku angielskim
The built environment sector is being challenged by many trends and disruptors: digital transformation, offsite manufacturing, sustainability concerns, aging workforce leading to lack of skilled labor, as well as COVID-19, which is affecting the health, safety, and wellbeing of workers. To become resilient, we must respond and adopt new ways of thinking and working. Building Information Modelling (BIM) can help address the climate, urbanization, performance and skills shortage challenges, alongside the implementation of many best practice approaches. BSI expert Rahul Shah will explore • Why should your organization adopt BIM and what are the business benefits? • What is BIM ISO 19650 and how does it support business opportunities? • Where should you start if you don’t yet have a BIM strategy? • How can you convince senior business leaders and their ultimate clients to adopt BIM?
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Arkadiusz Mackiewicz, Procad
Udostępnienie modułu Generative Design w najnowszym Revicie to ogromna szansa na udoskonalenie procesu projektowania. Przykład pokaże, że dzięki Dynamo i Generative Design możemy zbadać ogromną ilość kombinacji zmiennych w projekcie.